有意加入樂敘沙龍為會員的人士, 請登入會員規章頁, 如果同意本會理念及章程規定, 可下載和填妥下面樂敘沙龍入會申請表格, 直接交給負責幹事或郵寄本會地址, 香港北角雲景道41號11樓B座。 信封面請註明 "樂敘沙龍入會申請"。
Download Form
本會填寫 For official use only
文件編號Document No.:___________
入會日期Date of Membership:_______
入會日期Date of Membership:_______
樂敘沙龍入會申請表格 HKMP Membership Application Form
1. 姓名 Name:
a. 中文 Chinese ___________________
b. 英文 English ______________________________
b. 英文 English ______________________________
2. 推薦人Nominator:
a. 姓名 Name: ___________________
b. 簽署 Signature ______________________________
b. 簽署 Signature ______________________________
3. 音樂履歷CV in Music :
a. 專業 Profession ___________________
b. 樂器(若適用) Instrument (if applicable) _________________
b. 樂器(若適用) Instrument (if applicable) _________________
c. 樂團/合唱團成員 Music Group/ Choir
(若適用請填所屬團體名稱) (Please give the name, if applicable)
(若適用請填所屬團體名稱) (Please give the name, if applicable)
d. 音樂年資 Years of experience in music _______________
4. 聯絡 Contact:
a. 手機電話 Mobile No. _______________
b. 通訊地址 Corresponding address
c. 郵電 e-mail address: ______________________________
5. 統計用個人資料,請在適用括號( )內打剔 ( \/ )
Personal data for statistics only, please tick in brackets( ):
Personal data for statistics only, please tick in brackets( ):
a. 性別 Sex: 男Male ( ) 女Female ( )
b. 年齡 Age: <20( ) 20-39( ) 40-59( ) 60+( )
c. 職業 Profession:
學生 student ( )
音樂老師 Music teacher ( )
自由職業 Freelance ( )
全職僱員 Full-time employee ( )
家庭主婦/退休人士 Home/retired ( )
學生 student ( )
音樂老師 Music teacher ( )
自由職業 Freelance ( )
全職僱員 Full-time employee ( )
家庭主婦/退休人士 Home/retired ( )
其他 (請寫) Others (Please fill in)
6. 你對成為樂敘沙龍會員有甚麼期望和意見?(請自由填寫)
What are your expectations and opinions, to be a member?
What are your expectations and opinions, to be a member?
本人經已閲讀會員規章, 同意遵守各項規則, 及繳交會費和年費, 現申請成為樂敘沙龍會員。 I have read the Constitutions of Hong Kong Music Platform, agree to observe the regulations and pay the membership fee and annual fee. I now apply to be a member.
簽署 Signature:____________________
日期 Date:_______________________
日期 Date:_______________________
備註 Remarks:
1. 填妥表格後請交回秘書,會儘速通知閣下, 有關入會事宜。 Please submit the duly completed application form. We will inform you as soon as possible about you application.
2. 會員個人資料主要作通訊之用,並由本會存檔。 The personal data will be kept in record, mainly for communication.
本會負責批核幹事填寫用 For official use only:
上述會員繳交第一次年費日期Date of first payment of membership fee ( )
上述會員繳交第一次年費日期Date of first payment of membership fee ( )
査核資料Information verified ( )
申請決定 Decision for the application ( )
通知申請者Notify the applicant ( )
會員編號Membership No. ( )
申請決定 Decision for the application ( )
通知申請者Notify the applicant ( )
會員編號Membership No. ( )
幹事姓名 Name of officer:________________
簽署 Signature:________________
查核日期 Verification Date:________________
簽署 Signature:________________
查核日期 Verification Date:________________