本著專業精神, 扶持並進, 推動音樂藝術, 共建和諧社會; 懷著關愛, 將音樂帶到各社群去。活動: 1. 舉辦家庭音樂敍會; 2.為褔利社群服務,舉辦音樂活動; 3. 舉辦音樂會。 Devotes concordantly and professionally in spirit to pursue for the art of music, with a view to promoting harmony and expressing concerns to disadvantaged groups of the society. Activities: 1. Music performing in home settings 2. Serving disadvantaged social groups with music activities; 3. Organising formal concerts.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
樂仁學校音樂劇預告 Music for Lok Yan School coming soon
本會與明愛賽馬會樂仁學校擬定, 12月15日 6:00-7:30pm為學生丶家長和老師演出自編音樂劇。 該校教導和照顧需要長期留院的特殊學生, 我們將與他們共渡一個歡樂的黃昏, 傳送我們的祝願和支持 。詳情稍後通告。
HKMP will perform a self arranged musical for having fun with the students of Caritas Jockey Club Lok Yan School, their parents and teachers. The school takes care of special students who need hospitalisation for long term. We will spend a joyful evening with them, showing our good wishes and supports. Details will be announced in due course.