通告: 家庭樂敍暨會員大會
本會成立已一週年, 將於11月26日下午 2:00 - 3:30 pm, 在紅磡高山劇場新翼排唱室三, 舉辦家庭音樂敍會。歡迎會友及攜同朋友參加, 費用由演出者分擔支付。報名參加演出, 請在群組提交歌曲名稱及作者, 每位限時8分鐘。
並於同日和同一地點, 在3:30-4:00 pm, , 召開週年會員大會, 回顧過去一年的成果, 及展望來年工作。敬請出席。 之後4:00 - 6:00 pm, 為樂仁學校演出音樂劇作彩排。詳情另行公報。
Homely Music Gathering & Annual General Meeting:
After establishing almost one year, we will meet for a Homely Music Gathering on November 26, 2017, 2:00 - 4:00 pm, at the Singing Rehearsal Room No. 3 of Ko Shan Theatre Extension, Hung Hom. Members and their friends are invited to show their intention to perform not longer than 8 minutes. Please submit your repertoire with title and author through the whatsapp.
On the same date and at the same venue, 4:00 - 6:00 pm, there will also be an Annual General Meeting to review our successes last year, and plan for activities next year. Please attend to show your support. Afterwards, there will be a rehearsal for the service performance to be organised at Lok Yan School. Details will be announced in the due course.
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