樂敍沙龍2016年11月註冊, 成立為康樂性質非牟利社團。
•本著專業精神, 扶持並進, 推動音樂藝術, 共建和諧社會; 懷著關愛, 將音樂帶到各社群去。
•為推動文化藝術: 8月在中山市石岐公理堂, 與來自當地丶廣州丶珠海及深圳的藝術團體, 合辦交流音樂會; 9月在香港中環大會堂演奏㕔舉辦周年音樂會。
•詳細內容, 請登入本網址各頁 (page) 參閱。
Goals and activities
Goals and activities
- Hong Kong Music Platform (HKMP) was registered in the November of 2016, as an non-profit making society for cultural and recreational activities.
- Its members devote concordantly and professionally in spirit to pursue for the art of music, with a view to promoting harmony and expressing concerns to disadvantaged groups of the society.
- As services to special groups, this year it had organised a concert in celebrating early-spring season for members and their neighbours, of a community elderly centre in February; and had performed a musical show composed by a member of our society for fun for slow-learning children of a special school in July.
- In pursuance for the art of music, it had organised a concert in Zhongshan Cjiy of Mainland China, jointly with musicians from local and neighbouring cities, Guangzhou, Zhuhai and Shenzhen in August; and organised the first annual concert of the society in September.